Calculus I

Math 111

Course Description: The first in a three-semester calculus sequence, this course covers the basic ideas of differential calculus. Differential calculus is concerned primarily with the fundamental problem of determining instantaneous rates of change. In this course we will study instantaneous rates of change from both a qualitative geometric and a quantitative analytic perspective. We will cover in detail the underlying theory, techniques, and applications of the derivative. The problem of anti-differentiation, identifying quantities given their rates of change, will also be introduced. The course will conclude by relating the process of anti-differentiation to the problem of finding the area beneath curves, thus providing an intuitive link between differential calculus and integral calculus. Those who have had a year of high-school calculus but do not have advanced placement credit for MATH 111 should take the calculus placement exam to determine whether they are ready for MATH 112. Students who have .5 unit of credit for calculus may not receive credit for MATH 111. Prerequisites: solid grounding in algebra, trigonometry, and elementary functions.

This course satisfies Kenyon's quantitative reasoning (QR) requirement.

Instructor:  Carol S. Schumacher

Required materials:   There is no required text for this course. However, you will receive many materials throughout the semester. So you will need a 1.5 or 2 inch (D-ring) binder to keep your materials and notes in. You will also need access to a 3-hole punch.


Instructions for Installing Maple on your computer.

If you have any questions, please ask.  Come see me in my Office Hours

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